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  Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE 8.1
Short Description:
Embed virtual printer driver into your application to make document snapshots
Last Updated: 9/17/2024 | File Size: 10996 KB | License: Freeware | Downloads: 1840 | Developer: Miraplacid
OS: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,W...

Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE 8.1 Description:
SDK generates virtual printer driver with all the functionality you find in Miraplacid Publisher Terminal Server Edition. You can customize it and embed into your software. With the driver generated with Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE you can convert any document to a set of images. Anyone can open your document across a broad range of hardware and software, and it will look exactly as you intended - with layout, fonts, and images intact. No one can modify or copy and paste your texts.

After installation on your PC, driver generated with the SDK appears as a new virtual printer in your system. All the documents you print to this "printer" will be accessible from you software via COM interface. You scale the image, adjust hue, saturation and value, get rid of unused white borders, and do some other image processing. Then you can save results images to disk, upload to FTP or HTTP server,or print them to a real printer.

Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE supports following output formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, TGA and GIF. When redirecting to a printer, reduce saturation to save color cartridge or increase value to save black ink. Use borders detector in manual mode to set printing area when you need to print only the document part you need.

Turn "Auto Send" on if you want the driver to send images to chosen destinations without waiting for your input. If you want every document to be saved to an individual file, add {{DATE}}, {{TIME}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{PAGE}} or {{JOB}} to the file name or path. They will be replaced with current date, time, some unique number, page number and print job id respectively.

SDK is free, but you will need a license to use or redistribute the printer driver it generates.
Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE 8.1 Free Download

  Most downloaded software in category: Development » Components & Libraries

  Last updated software in category: Development » Components & Libraries
Statement: First, please download the orginal installation package by clicking the download link. Of course you may also download it from the publisher's website. Using Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE crack, key, patch, serial number, registration code, keygen is illegal. The download file hosted at publisher website. We do not provide any download link points to Rapidshare, Hotfile, Depositfiles, Mediafire, Filefactory, etc. or obtained from file sharing programs such as Limewire, Kazaa, Imesh, Ares, BearShare, BitTorrent, WinMX etc. Software piracy is theft. If you like Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE please buy it.
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